Saturday, 31 December 2011

New Year betta giveaway!!

Location: East, Siglap.
Contact no: 92371919
Types : Hmpk, Ct
From: Today till 8 January

Do take only if you don't plan to use them as feeders, maximum 5-10 depending on availability.

Bring your own bags.

Welcome the year of 2012!

Hey All,

Would just like to wish everyone out there a Happy New Year! May all of you have a great year ahead! Finally cold weather is ending soon, its going to be time where competitions will be coming soon! So do prepare !

Well Wishes,

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Betta Giveaway!

Hey Guys,

Just for tomorrow, we will be giving out hundreds of bettas, first come first serve. Max 10 Pieces per person, choose your own from the tank! Timing 11.30-4.00 . Please bring your own bag.

Do drop me a sms at 92371919 if you are coming and the time . Thanks


Wednesday, 23 November 2011

SALE from 24/11/2011 - 1/12/2011 !!

Hey All!

We will be organising a sale at bettalifeproject! Sale details are as stated below! It is based on a first come first serve basis so be sure to get what you want fast!

We are having a SALE for our betta live stocks from Thursday 24/11/2011 to Friday 1/12/2011! First Come First Serve!


Saturday, 12 November 2011

New Batch of Bettas Next Week!

Hey All,

We will be releasing a new batch of bettas next week, please do stay tuned! Thanks for your continuous support!


Pineapple Betta!

Hey All,

We have just released our pineapple bettas for sale, please do check them out!!


Monday, 31 October 2011

Opening Promotion !!!

Buy 2 Bettas and get the 2nd piece @ 50% Off
(2nd Piece must be cheaper/equal as compared to the first piece)

Only For the First 15 Buyers!

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Opening !

Hey All!

Betta Life Project officially opens today ! Please do support us! If you do have any enquiries, please use the Chatbox located on the left of our page or view the Contact Us page for more details how you can get in touch with us. Thanks and hope to be see you guys in the near future!
