Saturday, 31 December 2011

New Year betta giveaway!!

Location: East, Siglap.
Contact no: 92371919
Types : Hmpk, Ct
From: Today till 8 January

Do take only if you don't plan to use them as feeders, maximum 5-10 depending on availability.

Bring your own bags.

Welcome the year of 2012!

Hey All,

Would just like to wish everyone out there a Happy New Year! May all of you have a great year ahead! Finally cold weather is ending soon, its going to be time where competitions will be coming soon! So do prepare !

Well Wishes,

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Betta Giveaway!

Hey Guys,

Just for tomorrow, we will be giving out hundreds of bettas, first come first serve. Max 10 Pieces per person, choose your own from the tank! Timing 11.30-4.00 . Please bring your own bag.

Do drop me a sms at 92371919 if you are coming and the time . Thanks
